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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Some of Gables' former Carver Hornets went back to their middle school to pass out treats for honor roll recipients.

Gables’ New Recruitment Plan: Attracting Future Cavaliers

Maria Odio, Staff Writer Dec 10, 2021

While current students and faculty at Coral Gables Senior High are what make the school worthwhile, in order to continue to foster the Cavalier spirit, incoming freshmen need to have an idea of what it...

Michaela Torres y Daniel Fernández en el centro de medios en la escuela secundaria Ponce De Leon, con el grupo de niños que presentaron

YoSoyGables: Cambiando las vidas de futuros Cavaliers

Maria Puyana, Staff Writer Mar 10, 2020

A medida que los estudiantes se gradúan de octavo grado, comienzan a buscar un nuevo hogar durante sus futuros cuatro años escolares. Por lo general, los nuevos estudiantes se unirán a clubs y actividades...

Visit the Stop N' Shop on Ponce de Leon Boulevard and take a bite into one of these mouthwatering sandwiches.

Stop N’ Shop Sandwiches

Annie Farrell, Staff Writer Apr 14, 2014

Our Rating: A In close proximity to Coral Gables High School and the University of Miami lies a well-kept and delicious secret. A small Stop N' Shop Food Store located at 5885 Ponce de Leon Boulevard apparently...

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