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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


A possible HIV vaccine, advancements in treatment for dementia and Guy Fieri's relief fund for workers are all among the positive stories of the week.

Top 3 Positive News Recap

Mia Cabrera, Staff Writer Apr 25, 2021

  In a world flooding with media coverage of global events, there tend to be many positive news stories that go unnoticed, depriving people of the opportunity to get a well-needed boost of serotonin....

From a bill passed in Iran to a natural plastic collector in the ocean, there is a lot of positive news to be told.

Top 3 Recent Positive News Recap

Mia Cabrera, Staff Writer Feb 1, 2021

As economic, political and environmental issues plague the minds of everyday people, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude. But even hearing just a few heartwarming stories can be uplifting...

From award winning rats to an increase in bee populations, this is the top four positive news recap

A Sprinkle of Optimism: Positive News Recap

Mia Cabrera, Staff Writer Oct 4, 2020

During these distressing times, sometimes just a single piece of good news can be enough to lift someone’s mood. Although it seems that every day a new piece of negative information is brought to light,...

This great book guides you to improve your overall happiness.

The Four Agreements

Sofia Bratt, Staff Writer Mar 27, 2015

Our Rating: A The Four Agreements is written by Don Miguel Ruiz, a famous Mexican author. This best-selling book introduces the four principles to learn and practice in order to build love and happiness...

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