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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Which Harry Potter House Do You Belong In?

Which Harry Potter House Do You Belong In?

stephanie andrade, CavsTV Staff Oct 24, 2020

Harry Potter has taken over the world's childhoods since it was published in 1997. The action and adventure of Harry, Ron, and Hermonie capture our attention and make us wish we lived there with them....

The increased prominence of women in the STEM field can be pinpointed to the efforts of campaigns like "Girls Who Code".

The Marginalization of Women in STEM

Maria Estrada, Spanish Editor Sep 11, 2014

Throughout the course of history, it has been self-evident that women have been oppressed and submitted to domesticity. We sit through endless history lessons and learn about the way men have shaped this...

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