We understand that online school can work up an appetite. In between classes you are given brain breaks. Watch this video to see delicious, easy-to-make recipes.
We often have to stay up late as high school students to do homework and study for exams. As a result, we have little to no time in the morning to get ready, let alone eat breakfast. To alleviate your...
It seems that people are often turned away from being vegan because it is assumed that it is too complicated to eat ‘good’ vegan food. Hopefully these three recipes demonstrate that it is easier than...
School is a hectic time for students where their healthy eating habits are sometimes compromised due to all the time and effort they put into homework, class, and extracurricular
activities. There...
Waking up at the 6:30 a.m. is tiring enough and even worse when your body is lacking nutrients to last you throughout the day. Unfortunately, it is hard to make a big breakfast on rushed school mornings. Starting...
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