With the sound of the lunch bell ringing, students from all corners of Coral Gables Senior High pour into the 9000-building cafeteria, eager to satisfy their growling stomachs. In the midst of lining up...
A home for business fanatics at Coral Gables Senior High, the Academy of Finance houses students prepared to delve into classes such as Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Principles of Finance. Among the...
The International Baccalaureate program at Coral Gables Senior High has been around since 1986, making it one of the oldest IB schools in Miami-Dade County. Two years prior to the start of the program,...
Endless essay analysis and infamous phone quizzes — pop quizzes that are given when a student would mischievously take out their phone in the middle of class — are just a few of the defining characteristics...
After teaching Cavaliers for twenty years, Ms. Chappell will be leaving to enjoy a well-deserved break from the school system. She will be retiring as a Gables teacher and will spend her official last...
Coral Gables Senior High is known for having one of the most powerful International Baccalaureate (IB) programs in the district. There is no question that the program's success is attributed to the empowering...
The 2018-2019 school year brought many changes to our campus, however, the most surprising and heartfelt was the retirement of our College Assistance Program (CAP) Advisor, Mrs. Stack. She began to work...
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