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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


There are a variety of costumes to choose from that include a facial covering.

How to Enjoy Halloween While Being COVID-19 Safe

Michael Evelyn, Staff Writer Oct 24, 2020

With COVID-19 still being a prevalent issue across the globe, enjoying Halloween with friends and family this year will be difficult. With regulations to keep a mask on at all times and be six feet apart...

Students chat outside the Gables campus on Oct. 9, wearing masks on their first day back to school.

First Day of School: Students Return for Physical Classes

Massimo Aguila, Staff Writer Oct 17, 2020

  The first days of the transition back to physical classes for students who chose in-person learning has finally occurred for Cavaliers. A staggered return was established to split the student...

As Coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to let cities open up their beaches this past week.

Is Now the Time to Reopen Florida’s Beaches?

Nataly Leiva, Staff Writer May 3, 2020

On April 17, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis began reopening beaches and parks in Jacksonville as more states have decided to loosen restrictions enforced during this pandemic. DeSantis stated that Florida...

Essential workers, such as people in the healthcare system, protect themselves with masks and latex gloves to work during this uncertain time.

Flattening the Curve: The Importance of Social Distancing

Maia Berthier, Opinion and Copy Editor Apr 5, 2020

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the globe, people from every part of the world are searching for a solution to this health crisis. With the number of cases only increasing in the...

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