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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Class of 2019 Summa cum laude students pose for a photo after being awarded their medal and tassel for graduation.

Ceremonia de Premiación en Gables

Orestes Garcia, Staff Writer Apr 26, 2018

El martes 24 de abril se efectuó en nuestra escuela un evento en el cual los estudiantes de Gables fueron premiados por todos sus logros en la trayectoria escolar. Los ganadores fueron seleccionados de...

Cavaliers come together as a team - water break!

Cavaliers Fought Hard in a Close Match

Samantha Valero, Staff Writer Oct 11, 2014

On Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014, at Tropical Park at 7:00 p.m., the Cavaliers played against the Killian cougars. Our Cavalier football team made a great effort against the cougars, with a final score of 21-28. "We...

Looks like someone wanted to cool off!

An Icy Sensation: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Samantha Valero, Staff Writer Aug 28, 2014

You've seen all of the videos on Instagram, Tumblr and even Facebook of some of your favorite celebrities dripping wet, soaked in ice cold water, jumping up and down possibly screaming "Cold! Cold!...

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