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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


From fame to being sentenced up to 20 years in prison, Elizabeth Holmes and her blood-testing company Theranos was made up of lies and about their product to gain fame, partnerships and investors. (Aaron Rojas).

Elizabeth Holmes: From an Icon in Silicon Valley to Defruading Investors

Aaron Rojas, Staff Writer Jan 14, 2022

Elizabeth Holmes and Ramesh Balwani have been found guilty on four out of the 11 federal charges of defrauding her investors. Holmes now faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000, along with...

Stocks for Dummies: Guide To Getting Started

Stocks for Dummies: Guide To Getting Started

Sam Sommer, CavsTV Staff Mar 29, 2021

Bulls? Bears? It's all very confusing. The stock market is one of the most popular investments out there, but it is hard to get a grip on what everything means and how it all works. This guide is going...

The world of international economics is a high-stakes gambling ring with real-world impacts.

Stocks to Students: How Does the Nasdaq Affect Teenagers?

Japheth Oyedepo, Staff Writer Aug 10, 2019

On Monday, Aug. 5, the United States Treasury declared China a "currency manipulator". This most recent chapter in the story that is the U.S.-China trade war caused worldly markets to panic and many companies...

In news this week:
protests in Brazil, civilian rule reaffirmed in Myanmar, Clinton sweeps Tuesday's primaries and Sea World announces new orca policy.

Recap: March 14 – 20

Sophie Feinberg, Editor Mar 20, 2016

International Affairs Brazil protesters call for President Rousseff to resign "Huge crowds have taken to the streets across Brazil calling for President Dilma Rousseff to resign. Opponents blame...

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