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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Posing with his other selling snacks “Koala’s March” and “Praline”, Aguilar embodies his love for continuously working.

The Hidden Business Life of Gael Aguilar

Irela Montelongo, Staff Writer Dec 10, 2023

In the crowded halls of Coral Gables Senior High, standing out may be a hard task with hundreds of students walking on campus. However, under the school books, a student shines in a way most do not. Whether...

Through leading their team for months, the five junior captains, Rubioperdomo, Samper, Vinneccy, Diez, and Montano-Abarca (from left to right) transcended the notion of Croc Charms as a mere temporary business challenge, revealing the full extent of their potential, all due to Daniel Pozo’s visionary idea of the product.

The Charm Department Continues Onward

Aaron Rojas, Faces of Gables Editor Jul 8, 2023
Embarking on an incredible journey, the Charm Department has evolved from a student-led...
Selling their Cavalier Croc Charms in front of the 9000-building, the Charm Dept. is prepared to tackle their JA Company Program throughout spring.

The Charm Department Competes in JA Company Program

Aaron Rojas, Staff Writer Mar 27, 2023

UPDATE: As of April 26, the Charm Department was announced the Junior Achievement Company of the Year with 62 points. As they head off to the national conference this summer, the Charm Department will...

Business as Usual with Khareem Oliver

Natalia Rodriguez, Staff Writer Nov 22, 2016

Khareem Oliver began his company, Find or Found, with one question in mind: "How can I help others?" Inspired by his passions for animals and aiding his community, Khareem was able to create a business...

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