For several Cavaliers, summertime calls for adventures in different parts of the world. For junior Christian Tomas, however, he set his sights on his local community and decided to complete an internship...
Based on a book series, "The Summer I Turned Pretty" is a new television show that follows a teen girl. The protagonist is Isabella "Belly" Conklin, who has always had a crush on her family friend Conrad...
Laura Ridoux, CavsConnect Editor-in-Chief
• Aug 14, 2023
Their last summer as high-school students, seniors are ready to take on their last year, having brought home unique experiences that will shape and orient them in their future studies. Some seniors were...
From Beyoncé’s motivational words in the lyrics of her songs, to Harry Styles's soothing voice, Miami’s radio stations were filled throughout the summer with promising new album releases, making...
From law firms to marine biology institutes, the Academy of Finance seniors return from their summer break with knowledge and a hand-on experience in nearly every career field imaginable. Considering that...
For years, the debate of Daylight Savings Time has striked many on whether or not it is truly effective. DST is the practice of delaying the clock to be active during summer and receive more rest during...
After a COVID-19-interrupted season, the Cavalier athletic teams are eager to finally get back on the field and show off their skills. Preparation for this school year began with training over the summer,...
Every summer, Coral Gables Senior High School students look to find more and more ways to gain experience in order to bolster themselves and their personal resumes. While taking classes such as Dual Enrollment...
As summer break comes to an end and the new school year begins, Cavaliers reminisce about their vacations throughout the past few months. Although COVID-19 may have changed protocols surrounding travels,...
Click the link below to read the summer reading list for incoming 9th-grade students.
9th Grade Pre-IB Summer Reading 2021-22
Click the link below to read the summer reading list for incoming 10th-grade...
Ever picked up a new hobby? Quarantine has had many people learning new ways to fill their time with productive activities. From perfecting the best banana bread recipe to learning how to make colorful...
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