At Coral Gables Senior High, where knowledge blossoms, the Teaching Academy guides students to find their place in the world. In the hopes of becoming an educator, the students experience a unique twist...
After having to temporarily shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cavalier Teaching Academy is officially reopening its doors to the students at Coral Gables Senior High. Led by Mrs. Santamaria and...
Our beloved English department head, Mrs. Torres, is officially saying goodbye to Coral Gables Senior High with the start of the 2020-2021 school year. After seven years of bettering our school, she has...
Along with the other academies Gables has to offer, the school also features a Teaching Academy for those students interested in becoming future educators or working with developmental education. The...
Opening its doors in 1950, Coral Gables Senior High School (CGHS) has welcomed thousands of eager students who ready for an educational path unlike any other. The home of the Cavaliers was the first high...
Teachers are one of the most essential factors in society, and once a year at the start of May, people gather to celebrate their hard work during Teacher Appreciation Week. The purpose of these seven...
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