Stepping into a new week, many students are looking for opportunities to show their Cavalier pride through the sports they love. The cheerleading squad hosted an additional round of tryouts for the 2022-2023...
Under these unusual circumstances, Gables' performing arts teams have had to tackle some substantial obstacles. Usually, annual Gablette and cheerleading tryouts take place after Spring break. In a coincidental...
For the past few years, Gables Cheer has encountered many new and frightful experiences on the road to growth. Last year, during July, it was the Coral Gables Cheerleading team's first time back at Universal...
As the school’s fall sports, such as football, volleyball, bowling, cross country, golf and swimming continue taking place, the winter sports season is quickly approaching. Some winter sports, like boys’...
'Tis the season for the Gablettes & Co. fall auditions. The school's national dance team ranges from a group of 20-40 members. Just last February the Gablettes participated in the Dance Team Union...
Day 1 - Jan. 30:
Attire: white shirt, black bottoms, sneakers (no vans, converse, etc.) hair in tight ponytail with red bow
@ 2:45-5pm
Day 2 Feb. 4:
Attire: red shirt, black bottoms, sneakers...
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