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The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


The student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School


Juniors from the Class of 2026 gather around to capture a photo at the University of Central Florida, reminiscing on the memories and information gained on their journey.

Class of 2026 Explores College Pathways During the In-State College Tour

Embracing the college experience, juniors from the Class of 2026 partook in the annual tradition of the in-state college tour to gain a first-hand experience on life beyond high school. Venturing across...

With a rivalry match ahead of them, University of Miami's Hurricanes were able to secure their first win of the season against the Florida Gators.

Showdown in the Swamp

Bruno Murakami, Staff Writer Sep 12, 2024

Ben Hill Griffin Stadium was buzzing ahead of the showdown between the University of Florida's Gators and the University of Miami's Hurricanes. The rivalry matchup was highly anticipated as both teams...

Smiling inside the Coral Gables Library, the Weckel twins have shared a close bond all their lives. Robert (left) will attend Santa Fe College while Christina (right) travels to Central Florida this fall.

Weckel Twins Follow their Family with Engineering Majors

Andres Rodriguez, Sports Editor May 17, 2023

The Weckel twins cherish a similar history of teachers, classes and an interest for their family's occupation within mathematics. Although Robert points out their differences, Christina thinks otherwise;...

Anticipating his departure for Santa Fe College, senior Robert Weckel (left) shows his swagger for the University of Florida, where he plans to transfer his sophomore year.

Future Gator and Innovator Robert Weckel

Andres Rodriguez, Sports Editor May 17, 2023

It is only natural for teenagers to ponder about their futures, especially when it comes to selecting a college major. Roaming the halls of G.W. Carver Middle School, senior Robert Weckel began tracking...

Gablette seniors Demi D'arcangelo and Emma Bartelt have both committed to state schools and are looking forward to graduation.

Gablettes Graduate: Emma Bartelt and Demi D’arcangelo

Ariana Alvarez and Audrey Simon May 18, 2021

Two of Coral Gables Senior High School’s very talented seniors have officially committed to Florida state schools. Demi D’arcangelo and Emma Bartelt share their love of dance and dedication to the...

Proudly smiling in her University of Florida gear, it is clear that Grant is ready to be a Gator.

Chloe Grant: Newest Member of the Gator Nation

Audrey Simon, Staff Writer Apr 5, 2021

As the weeks pass by, more and more colleges slowly release their decisions for the incoming class of 2025. After lots of anticipation from Coral Gables Senior High seniors, the University of Florida has...

The 2019 Camping World Kickoff event jump-started the beginning of college football, hosting two historically elite college football teams in the Miami Hurricanes and the Florida Gators.

The Gators Conquer the ‘Canes in a Battle For Floridian Football Supremacy

Daniel Toll, Co-Editor-in-Chief Aug 25, 2019

In what was prophesied to be arguably the biggest kickoff event of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) 2019-2020 college football season, the University of Miami's (UM) Hurricanes and...

Group 10

YLC: Una experiencia única

Orestes Garcia, Staff Writer Feb 6, 2018

  El día Viernes [2 de Febrero], ocho estudiantes de Coral Gables Senior High, Jesse Zambrano, Alyssa Lamadriz, Adriana Meijaard, Emily Simon, Cristian Ochoa, Dylan Carol, Thomas Harley y...

Students gather for a group photograph to commemorate their time at YLC.

YLC: A Life Changing Experience

Jesse Zambrano, Staff Writer Feb 5, 2018

The weekend of Feb. 2 eight Gables students traveled to Gainesville to take part in the annual Youth Leadership Conference hosted by the University of Florida (UF). The purpose of this conference was...

Gables' MUN team posing at the entrance of the University of Florida.

Gables’ MUN Team Visits The Swamp

Maria F, Estrada, Features Editor Jan 25, 2017

In aims for students to challenge their diplomacy skills. Gables' Model United Nations (MUN) team attended the University of Florida's 14th annual 'GatorMUN.' At the conference, the team went head-to-head...

Get excited for In-State College Tour!

In-State College Tour Field Trip Form

Annie Farrell, Contributor Sep 16, 2015

In-State College Tour is quickly approaching! The tour will take place Wednesday, November 4th – Friday, November 6th. We will be visiting University of Central Florida (UCF), University of Florida...

Cavaliers expressing their Gator pride!

College Tour 2014: In-State

Sofia Bratt, Staff Writer Nov 22, 2014

On Nov. 10, 50 juniors stepped on the bus to tour several Florida universities. On this three-day visit to five prestigious campuses, the first stop was the University of Central Florida (UCF), where...

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