After graduating from Coral Gables Senior High, Raul Alejandro Flores, a Gables alumna, returns to school grounds to create a short film, “We the Youth”. Throughout the making of the film for the local...
With St. Patrick's Day coming up, McDonalds is serving their Shamrock Shake. The limited time shake is blended with vanilla ice cream and topped with whipped cream. The shake is mint flavored which gives...
Switching from online to physical is difficult, but see how staff member Kennedy Martin-Jones adapts to her first few days back as a physical student! Follow her around all day and see what it's like to...
As Charli D’Amelio’s fame increases, she has collaborated with Dunkin once again to make “The Charli Remix”. This new drink is her go-to order of a cold brew with 3 pumps of caramel but this time...
The Posse model serves as a catalyst for individual and community growth, both for students and university campuses, and is rooted in the idea that a small, diverse group of talented students — a Posse...
Society has portrayed the perfect body to have a flat stomach, a toned body and be the perfect height, but there is no such thing as the “perfect body”, it is so unrealistic. Every body is different...
A part of your high school experience and graduation requirement is getting involved in your community and receiving hours. This video will show you where to find the form, how to log your community hours...
Meditation has the power to improve digestion, to strengthen the immune system, maintain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Calming the mind, body, and spirit through meditation can help the...
The most common form of violence young people experience is cyberbullying. Social Media can be very overwhelming, especially when feeling targeted by other individuals. It can feel like there's no escape,...
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