COVID-19 has touched every corner of the globe since the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China, in early 2019, but Miami's high population density and large size have made it an especially prominent...
The outbreak of Coronavirus has affected the day-to-day lives of millions of people around the world as guidelines to stay a minimum of six feet away from everyone and to limit going out as much as possible...
In late 2019, a new strand of the Coronavirus, which started spreading in Wuhan, China, took the world by storm and quickly spread across the world. Although the virus does not seem to cause permanent...
Jóvenes! Seguro ya han escuchado hablar del virus del Zika, el cual esta provocando gran preocupación en nuestros países. El virus es trasmitido por el mosquito hembra: Aedes Aegypti, el mismo...
Who knew December could be so touching? On this month, we commemorate the millions of people who have lost their lives to AID’s related deaths. We honor those who fought, and continue to fight, for an...
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