From the moment students step foot into school on their first day back, they hear the unmistakable chatter of friends catching up, hallways swarming with their classmates and seniors showcasing their new...
On Sept. 21, 2018, an opportunity opened up for creative students to help ‘Friends of Gables,’ a group that aims to improve facilities at Coral Gables Senior High. After senior Cristian Ochoa won the...
On Tuesday, Nov. 8., Republican Donald J. Trump was elected 45th president of the United States. However, the outcome of the election was completely unexpected, leaving millions of Americans shocked...
On May 17, the annual Billboard Music Awards (BMAs) took place. The anticipation for these awards grows stronger each year as new stars take over the show.
The main attraction of this year's BMAs...
Our Rating: Shake Shack - B, Five Guys - A
Shake Shack and Five Guys are two burger joints notorious for facing off in the ultimate cuisine combat. Coincidentally, in Miami, both restaurants are housed...
Every student strives to succeed academically both in school and in their community, hoping to receive recognition for such hard work. One student who has done just that, senior Roberto Lopez is one...
Much of you know all of the football players, all of the swimmers and baseball players, but the one group that people do not seem to know much of is the wrestlers. Joshua Zambrano is a junior in the IB...
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