Famous for their bi-weekly general meetings, the board members (fondly referred to as the high/ultra wizards) plan out club activities in advance, ranging from movies, anime, games and more. Unlike other...
Harry Potter has taken over the world's childhoods since it was published in 1997. The action and adventure of Harry, Ron, and Hermonie capture our attention and make us wish we lived there with them....
Want to be more involved in your school environment, but don't know how? Find out what club you should join by answering a few questions about your personality!
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On Thursday, Jan. 30, Coral Gables Senior high's Wizard Club held the CGHS Smash Invitational. This was a tournament revolving around the popular Nintendo fighting game, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, where...
As club day quickly approaches, the notable clubs of Coral Gables Senior High school have begun preparing their eye-catching activities and games. Students will have the opportunity to walk through the...
As the fall season approaches, there is much anticipation on campus about which clubs to join this academic year. With club fair just around the corner, the halls begin to buzz and questions arise concerning...
It is indisputable, especially in recent memory, that the holidays have been the source of nationwide buzz in the sports world. With the NFL season nearing its end and the NBA basketball season reaching...
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Wizards Club
For all the mere muggles eager to get involved on campus, there is no letter of invitation necessary to be involved in one of Gables's newest clubs: Wizards....
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