Being comfortable in one's skin often takes time, especially for teenagers who are not only trying to find themselves but also navigate the world around them. For Cavalier sophomore Abner Fuentes, the...
High school students are very busy, sometimes lacking time for self-care which may lead to lack of sleep, exercise and food. Although the workload of being a high school student can be stressful, it...
The year is coming to a close, and that means its time to head outdoors and enjoy the sun. Summer is a great time to head to the pool and beach. Unfortunately, with all the focus on schoolwork for...
A new form of fitness called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has recently gained much popularity, proving to be more effective than your traditional endurance training method. HIIT is an enhanced...
It's a new year, which means that everyone's resolution consists of getting into better shape. If you're not seeing results with your old workouts or just getting tired of the same moves, CavsConnect...
All of us strive to stay in shape, and since we live in Miami, we all want that beach ready body. Students aren't the only ones that are staying in shape — teachers are too!
The teacher boot camp...
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