Student Paola Carpio checking her Instagram on her free time.
Almost everyone around the world has a computer with internet and access to social media sites. But what happens when we misuse those medias such as Facebook, Instagram, Ask.fm, Tumblr, and many others? Well, we either hurt or get hurt. This is called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a form of harassment online, anonymously or not, that may lead to serious issues. Harassment isn’t anything new as it has been happening for many years now. All over the world, any time and any place, this tragedy is occurring.
“I’ve seen this happen to my friends because people bother them constantly. I can’t imagine doing such a horrible thing like this. Although, people need to be informed and aware of what they are doing. I advise those who can relate, to encounter an adult as soon as you can and report the problem. Don’t let these things get to you, they’re trying to make you feel bad,” stated by freshman Lisandra Garaboa.
A bully at school may be the same bully behind the computer. Cyber bullying occurs mostly when the victim and the harasser know each other outside of the web world, such as school. Bullies are motivated to do this because of anger, frustration, or for revenge. The victim and the bully may have had a bad experience in the past and the bully still holds the grudge or the bully feels bad about themselves and to feel better they bring someone else down with them. On the other hand, people decide to do this because of their status-conscience, which means they care about the position you are considered in society. Depending on the music you listen to, the clothes you wear, the attitude you have, the money your family has, people may consider you different.
Ms.Alfonso, a trust counselor, says, “It’s so sad. Although, if consequences were more therapeutic than punitive, maybe the bullies will learn. If you’re being bullied, of course get help. Don’t be ashamed, it is not your fault. To the bullies, 90% of you know the feeling because it’s happened to you. Get help.”
Some ways you can tell that either you or someone else is being bullied on the internet is that they may start acting strange. This means that they stop acting the way they usually do, maybe get quieter or avoid doing activities after school, a disconnection or a change to emotions or personality. Another way is that you can read what the bully is sending them, and if he/she receives the hatred on a daily routine. Maybe your friend deletes their account on the application/program because they are trying to avoid dealing with the situation.
For example, a 15 year old teenage girl is scrolling through Ask.fm and receives a question. Instead of it being a question, it is a message filled with hatred. She’s not surprised, so she just erases the message. The teenager keeps getting a hatred message every single day for a month. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so she just deletes the account and never looks back. What if she checks her Facebook account and she keeps receiving those messages? At school, she might become quiet, stop smiling as much as she used to, even become an outcast. What can she possibly do to be happy again?
The most recommended action to do if you’re dealing with this unfortunate situation is, without hesitation, speak to someone you can trust and someone that can advise. Perhaps a teacher, a counselor, your parents, family members, friends, a neighbor, anyone that knows how to listen and comprehend.
Mrs.D’Alamberte, one of the Best Buddies sponsors, says that, “Any type of bullying can hurt, physically or mentally. I don’t think kids should be on many social websites for this reason. Although, the ones getting picked on should have more self confidence. Go to an authority figure or anyone who can help. Join an organization to communicate about this. Also educate others being cautious with what they do on the web. Most bullies don’t know they are harassing until it’s too late.”
The internet isn’t always filled with beauty, entertainment, and lots of fun. It can be one of your biggest regrets. If you’re reading this, maybe it will change your mind next time you get bored at home and decide you want to pick on someone. Don’t pick on anyone, whether they’ve done it to you or not. Cyber bullying is not a joke, it is a serious matter that happens all around the world. If you are encountering this, please speak with someone and get help.