The New Trend: Aura Readings

All the bright colors in an aura have a specific meaning.
May 13, 2015
When walking in the hallways at school, people around you give off all kinds of energy. An aura is a specific atmosphere, or electro-phonic vibration, that surrounds all living things. A human’s aura is composed of anything from electromagnetic radiation to infrared and UV light. The distinct colors and intensities of an aura surrounding the head of an individual are the most important types of auras because the brain is where all a person’s thoughts are stored.
Auras come in all colors and it’s extremely rare for a person to just give off one color; however, people usually do have one predominant color. Each aura color and shade represents specific human characteristics:
Yellow: This bright, happy color is associated with the spleen and represents lively energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration and creativity. Each shade of yellow has a different meaning as well. For example, bright yellow represents a playful spirit.
Orange: Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach? Well, the color orange is associated with the reproductive organs and the emotions that take place within that area. Just like how every other color has different shades, bright orange signifies vibrancy, power and dominance.
Red: Red is known for being the most powerful color in an aura. This color can either be represented as a positive or negative element. The color of blood, red represents a vibration of action that can either attract or appeal. Brilliant red signifies that you are extremely passionate and full of energy.
Blue: This calm color represents the throat, specifically the thyroid. If your aura is blue, it means that you are very intuitive and that you are always eager to help other people. You are also portrayed as the strong yet calm person who people lean on for support. If light blue is shown on your aura, it signifies that you are a truthful person and you excel in all fields of communication.
Green: This earthy color, not surprisingly, represents the heart and nature. This specific aura is usually found within those who are considered healers, such as doctors, teachers or simply a caring friend. If your aura shows yellow-green, it means that you are a communicator such as an actor, writer or musician.
Black: This dark color signifies that you are holding on to negative feelings, typically indicating an unwilling or unforgiving spirit. Other dark colors can be indicators of blocked energy centers within the body.
By having the opportunity to learn your aura colors and their meanings, you can begin to heal and change those things you previously didn’t recognize were holding you back. Working with and learning about your aura can be beneficial! If you are interested in getting your aura read, stop by Chakra healing, Reiki and tarot readings in Miami Beach.
Riley Smith • Apr 19, 2018 at 9:23 pm
I didn’t know that finding out your aura color could help you find things you need to work on. I haven’t been feeling as spiritually healthy for the past few weeks. It would be nice to have an aura reading because it could show me what’s holding me back.