Acing the Court This Tennis Season
The tennis team for this season!
Apr 15, 2019
In their previous season, the Cavalier Tennis team had only lost to two teams and experienced an incredible season overall, seeing tremendous development from their younger players, with their older players exceeded all expectations. The two top players, Danny Krulig and Jack Lee, having been seniors, helped keep a high intensity level throughout the course of the season and paved the way for all of the players to grow and improve.
Even though the whole team did not make it to States, Krulig and Lee advanced to States as singles players. With the start of their new season, the Cavalier Tennis team is hard at work to improve their skills and, hopefully, find the same success as those that have come before them. This year, they have a fully-rostered team and are vying for a winning record.
The Cavalier Tennis team practices take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday at the Biltmore Tennis Center at 3:00 P.M. every week. While on the court, the players do different types of sets to help them gain “in-game experience” for when they play competitively. Apart from the scheduled practices, most of the team members also practice outside of school.

Antoine Hernandez during one of the Tennis practices.
In their first game of the spring, they played a formidable opponent in Krop High, which is one of the Cavaliers’ biggest rivals. Antoine Hernandez, one of the boys on the team, was the only one to win both of his matches against Krop, who were District champions last year.
“I played #5 and had a very close match, but eventually lost and we lost as a team. However, we have rearranged our rankings and when we inevitably meet them at Districts, I believe we will definitely win,” junior Chris Brazda said.
Regardless of their early struggles, many around campus still hope for the best for their Cavalier tennis players, and are looking forward to a major turn-around by the season’s end.
“Our season isn’t over yet, but our Girls’ seed 1 and 2 should have a winning record by the end of the season,” sophomore Vivian Lowe said.
Recently, the boys have been dominating and beat Miami Beach High, much to the delight of the team as they had lost to them in the regular season last year. Everyone on the tennis team is determined and committed to bettering their skills to get farther along in their competitions. Through their dedication, their hard work will pay off throughout this season, and it is evident to the eyes of the coaching staff and those observing around campus. Be sure to catch their next game on Wednesday, Mar. 20th, against Hialeah at the Biltmore at 2:00 P.M!