After 11 Years, Principal Costa’s Time at Gables Comes to an End


Ketty Dones

Principal Costa stands with the CavsConnect staff after awarding them a Sunshine Standout plaque.

Maia Berthier, Editor-in-Chief

From construction to the Coronavirus, this year has been a whirlwind for administrators, teachers and students alike. Through it all, Principal Costa has been able to keep Gables running smoothly, motivating students and faculty to always do their best and persevere. Unfortunately, this momentous year also marks the end of Principal Costa’s time at Gables.

Throughout the 11 years Mr. Costa has spent as the principal, he diligently worked to ensure that academics, sports and extracurricular activities would continue to grow year after year. As principal, he was always concerned about students making the most out of their high school experience and taking advantage of all the academic courses Gables has to offer.

“Mr. Costa was one of the best principals Gables has ever had. He really inspired us as students to get involved and be motivated. I would love seeing him in the hallway and having conversations with him. Gables will always remember him and I wish him the best in his near future,” senior Sara Rabell said.

Whether it is making sure students are receiving a quality education, exciting crowds at a pep rally, making announcements over the P.A. standing in the sideline at Football games, or simply inspiring one of his coworkers to do their best. His accomplishments go beyond just his demeanor. During his time at Gables, the school earned an “A” rating for 3 consecutive years and has held a “B” rating for the past 6 years. Additionally, Principal Costa expanded the accessibility of dual enrollment courses to students at Gables through Florida International University and Miami-Dade. This further expanded the opportunities for students to engage themselves in at Gables and increased the college readiness of the student body.

“Principal Costa never failed to encourage me and my fellow students to always do our best in all aspects of student life. From visiting our classrooms to having one-on one conversations with students, it is clear that Principal Costa cares deeply about us as individuals and our success. He will be dearly missed at Gables,” senior Alexandra Torres said.

Since the county distributes the power of the school district to different officials, Principals are not always given the capability to handle the beautification of the school. As a result of this, Costa made it his mission to focus on what was happening inside of the classrooms and the learning environment of the student. This year, however, he was given the opportunity to spearhead the upcoming construction of the school, encouraging the beautification projects being done by the county such as the creation of a new, modernized building and ensuring that students and parents are updated every step of the way. There is no doubt that he goes above and beyond to embody the Cavalier Spirit. 

“I am thankful to have had Mr. Costa as both a principal and a boss. It made the experience of coming back to my Alma Mater all the more special. Our campus quickly felt like home for me and although there are a lot of factors that contributed to this, I am a strong believer that the feel of our environment comes from the leadership. He was a great principal and even a better boss. He was always welcoming, supporting and encouraging. There aren’t enough thank you’s to express the gratitude I feel toward how much he believed in me,” teacher Mrs. Passwaters said. 

Although he will now be the new principal of Andrea Castillo Preparatory Academy K-8 center, his legacy and contributions to Gables will remain long past his career. 

In his last farewell to teachers and faculty, Costa wrote, “As we turn a new page in our lives, I would like to continue to encourage positivity, trust and the truth.  I am confident that GABLES will continue to be the BEST high school in the county because of you, the faculty that makes up the FAMILY.  I wish you all the best and know that I had a blast at Gables doing what I love to do….educating kids….and always remember….GO CAVS!!!!”