How to Enjoy Halloween While Being COVID-19 Safe


Michael Evelyn

There are a variety of costumes to choose from that include a facial covering.

Michael Evelyn, Staff Writer

With COVID-19 still being a prevalent issue across the globe, enjoying Halloween with friends and family this year will be difficult. With regulations to keep a mask on at all times and be six feet apart from one another, how will people go out and trick-or-treat? Seeing that Halloween is on a Saturday this year, many people, especially young adults, will feel the urge to go out and party seeing that there is no school or work the following day. Here are some problems that people might encounter with some solutions.

The first major problem would have to be wearing masks. Adults and teenagers are more than capable of spending the night with a mask on, but this is not the case with children. Many children do not understand the severity of the virus yet and will want to stop wearing their mask or complain about it the entire night, which is not enjoyable for anyone. A solution to this would either be to buy a costume with a mask included, such as a ninja with a face covering, or any superhero who wears a face mask, like Spider-Man. This will allow the children to feel as if their mask is part of the costume, and they will be more inclined to keep it on for the majority of the night.

“I believe it is harder to make kids keep their mask on for hours at a time, so it would be a safer option to stay inside and do fun activities with them at home,” junior Camila Ruiz said.

The second issue would be having to socially distance six feet. This is a challenge seen everywhere in public and will be even more complex to handle when there are many families trying to trick or treat. Many places where families go trick-or-treating have only one sidewalk on either side of the road, meaning many people will have to pass near one another in close proximity. A solution to this would either be to find another location to trick-or-treat or wear bright-colored clothing in order to be visible to others when walking on a road. This could be dangerous if not done correctly, so people must make sure that cars are able to see their bright colors. If this is not an option, or is too dangerous for you, looking for emptier locations or places with large open space is another option to avoid contact with others.

For anyone that is handing out candy, the safest approach would most likely be staying outside with a table and chairs, so families do not have to knock on the door, alongside wearing a mask and gloves at all times. Make sure all the treats that are being handed out are in a wrapper so no one physically touches the candy that people might eat. Another safety precaution could be to set up the tape that is six feet apart to indicate to anyone waiting in line that they must socially distance and wait their turn.

“To keep the Halloween spirit alive, I will continue to pass candy out this year, I think it is important to maintain minimum contact with trick or treaters to avoid any risks,” junior Rebeca Morejon said.

If all these safety measures are met by everyone participating, everyone can enjoy their Halloween and feel relatively safe. By maintaining social distancing rules and remembering to be cautious, this Halloween could feel very similar to a normal one, despite the unique situation everyone is currently facing.

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